Students Write a Literature Review For a Dissertation Students Write a Literature Review For a Dissertation

A literature review is a scholarly text that is written by a student in the dissertation or any other type of the academic paper. The basic aim of writing the literature review chapter in a dissertation is to provide an idea to the students that which kind of data already exists related to your dissertation and what are your contributions in this particular area of the subject. There are many types of the review like evaluative, expository, and instrumental. You can select one of them according to the requirements and guidelines of your supervisor. There are a lot of students who are not able to write the literature review for a dissertation. Here, we will provide some important tips and suggestions to the students that are helpful for them to write a literature review for a dissertation.

  • Commence it by making a list of the research questions

To write a dissertation, it is necessary for the students to make a list of the research questions related to the dissertation topic. These research questions act as a roadmap for the students in order to collect the data for the dissertation. Therefore, before going to write the literature review, you should take a review of these research questions and try to read out such material that is related to these research questions. There is no need to read out the material that is not relevant to the topic of the dissertation. Its reason is that it is aimless to read out the irrelevant material because you can’t write it in your dissertation.

  • Conduct a wide research

The only way to create a masterpiece of the literature review of a dissertation is to gather the data from the plenty of sources. The best resource to collect the data for the literature review chapter is to study the library books. Anyhow, if you are not able to find out enough data from the library books, then you can trawl the online databases and online journals related to the dissertation topic. Moreover, you can also collect a huge amount of data from the best dissertation samples.

  • Analyze the data

We have frequently seen that most of the students try to directly copy the data from the plenty of sources and try to paste it down in the literature review chapter without taking care about the reliability and significance of the data. This is not the right way to write the literature review for a dissertation. The best technique to write the literature review for a dissertation is to properly analyze the data that is collected from the different resources and try to keep only that data which is most relevant to the dissertation topic.

  • Findings

It is not enough to write down only the key themes and issues in the literature review chapter of the dissertation. Besides these key themes and issues, it is also necessary for the students to provide a description about the future trends in this area of the subject, an identification about the deficiency of the knowledge in this area of the subject, and your own position in this area of the subject.

These are the most important tips that are helpful for the students to write the literature review for a dissertation. Anyhow, if you are not able to write the literature review for the dissertation, then you can get help from the dissertation writing services.